How to register a startup company in India?

By Mahesh Bhat | Last Updated on February 3, 2025


Why do we need register Our Online store?
Government of India has officially Defines a startup company based on their business Legal entity like A company That does not exceed 25 crores in the last five financial year, a company is dated below fives from the date of incorporation and its working towards innovation, development, deployment and commercialization of new products, process, or services driven by technology or intellectual property.

Registering your company will provide a secure identity for the business. In the field of ecommerce, Business organizations likely to do day to day sales that keep their identity in business sector.  Registering or trade marking your business will act as a remainder of your business name. This is either shown as ™ or ® character value.

Read More: Right Time To Start An Ecommerce Business

How to register your Business online?

Government of India has made registration process more effortlessly. You don’t need to visit any corporation office. You can  apply for registration by sitting at home. Here we will guide the steps and general rules that you must follow like Digital Signature Certificate(DCS) Director Identity Number(DIN) and filling for an Eform.

Let’s Begin our registration process

Step 1:  Acquiring Direct Identification number (DIN)

The first and viatal part in the registration process is that each Owner/director of the company should obtain their Identification Number. A per corporation Law on amendment act 2006 acquiring a DIN is compulsory for Every Owner/Director. To get a valid DIN, one should fill a eform DIN1. You can find DIN-form on the official site of the ministry of corporate affairs. Download DIN-1 Form

Register Yourself on MCA Website (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and Have a Login ID. After Filling DIN-1 Form, You can upload the filled form by clicking to eForm Upload button on the on MCA Website and you have to pay the applicable fees.

Post getting the generated DIN, You should intimate company about DIN. The Director / Owners  can intimate their company about DIN by using DIN-2 Form.

Then the company should Intimate the Registrar of Corporates (ROC) about all director’s DIN Through DIN-3 Form.

If you need to make change in DIN or any future updation like change of address, personal information and many things, The director or owner should intimate this change by submitting the eForm DIN-4 Form.

Step 2: Acquire Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

To ensure the security or Authenticity of documents that filed electronically the information act 200 demands a valid signature on the documents submitted electronically. This is most safest way where you can submit your document electronically. The digital Signature certificate should be acquired by only those agencies which are appointed by the controller of certification agency(CCA) You should not use DSC Given by any other agency which is unapproved and it’s illegal to use others DSC Other than your own DSC.

If you already got a digital signature you can continue using the same certificate and you don’t have to apply for new one. But make sure and check out about your digital signature validity. Agencies issues DSC’s with one or two year Validity and after its expiry, you have to renew it.

You can acuire a DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)  from these govermant Listed agencies like TCS, IDBRT,SAFECRYPT, NIC And manymore. You can check out their prices on this link.

Step 3: Create a new account on MCA Portal

Having a registered account is useful for filling a Eform, for online fee payment, and for different transactions as registered and business users. Creating an account in MCA is totally free of cost. To register yourself on the this MCA Profile, Click register link on their website

Step 4: Apply for the company to be registered

This is final and most important step in a registration of your company which provide trademark for your company and its name. Registering the address of office or notice the exact situation of office and notice for the appointment of company directors/owners, Accountant and secretary. Also refer regarding salary for their qualification.


Form-1A: This application form is check availability of the name or to change it to some other. After you applied for the new company name, the MCA will suggest upto four different names and you can choose one among them. All you have to do is fill up the Form-1A and submit it.


This is for application or declaration for incorporating your company. All you have fill the same name you have selected during application of form-1A.


This form is for notice of the current location of a new company or change of  location of previously registered office.

For a new company you have to fill the form with genuine office address location and submit it.


For a new yet to register company this for acts as a notice for appointment of new Directors/owners, accountants and secretary.

For an existing company this form is for a change of directors, accountants and secretary or company head.

After submitting these forms, they have to be approved by MCA, You will receive a confirmation mail regarding the application of registration of a new company, and the status of the form will get switched to approve.

Detailed Procedure for approval of the proposed Company Name

To obtain a name for your new company,  form-1A application needs to be filled with the Registrar of Company (ROC) of the state in which the Registered office of the company that was proposed located to make sure that availability of a name along with an official service fee of INR 500/-.

While registering the name you have to provide four alternative names. You must make sure that your company name should not resemble the name of any company already registered. In that form you have to fill name and address information of directors/owners. For private companies you should provide at least 2 directors/owners and 7 directors for public Company.

In about 7 to 10 days, the ROC will inform you about Approval or objection if they have any. If there are any objections for your name, ROC will suggest you with Some available names so that you can choose among them. If your name is approved you will be notified and will receive a formal letter regarding the confirmation.

Some Common tips to be followed while Registering Your Company

  • Have a PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card for Income Tax Purpose.
  • Get Documents of Obeying shops and establishment Acts.
  • Get registered documents of Import Export code from D.G of Foreign Trade.
  • Have a registration documents of software Technologies park of India(SPTI)
  • An approval from FIPB and RBI about foreign companies investing in India
Things you should do after incorporation of a private limited company

Things you should do after incorporation of a private limited company

File E-Form INC22For Situtaion of registered office

Situation of Registered office has to be intimated within 30 days from the date of incorporation to the registart of company. As per Section 12 of companies act 2013 a company shall, on and formthe 15th day of its incorporation and all times thereafter shall have a registered office.

Display companies identity and other Details

After Incorporation of your company it’s the duty of the company to display following things Outside the company’s Registred office. These details are also required to be printed in all business letters, bill-heads and in all other official publications.

In Final

Registering your Brand will provide a Trustworthiness view towards your company. Incorporating your company will establish your brand and Ensures that you have a unique New business. If you need help regarding registering  your ecommerce online store, don’t Hesitate to contact us.

24 Responses

  1. Vinay

    This such a fantastic article, thank you for putting this. I learned something about start up registration.

  2. Rahul Bhatia
    Rahul Bhatia

    Hi webnexs,
    Superb post..! I Really Like this article regarding How to register a startup company. Thank you for sharing this article.

    1. admin

      Thank you

  3. Steve

    Fantastic Blog ! Good information about Register Startup company incorporation and formation.
    Thanks for Sharing.

    1. admin

      Thank You

  4. Meena Nikil
    Meena Nikil

    Thanks for Sharing such fantastic article on StartUp and good Informative content on Company Registration.

    1. admin

      Hello Nikil,
      Thank you. Hope you have followed this article in how to register the company.

  5. Williams

    Superb Blog. The exactly information about startup registration, I was looking for.
    Thank you!!!

  6. Jina Chakorborti
    Jina Chakorborti

    Nice Article and detailed information on register startup company formation.
    Thanks a lot

    1. admin

      Thank you

  7. Rabee Alhafi
    Rabee Alhafi

    Nice Content. Very informative content about Startup company registration.
    Thank you!!!

    1. admin

      Thank you Rabee.

  8. Jimmy Beisy
    Jimmy Beisy

    Thanks for Sharing this Article. You have described process for registering a new company in a nice way.

    1. admin

      If you have to register a startup, you can do it yourself by the above methodology. However finding an auditor will help you a lot.

  9. Micheal

    Superb Article! Keep Posting Such a valuable information on your site. Am Really got a lot Information about register online business.

    1. admin

      You are welcome. If you have any queries, you could write to me an email at i would be glad to assist you.

  10. Rebendranath

    While this post is completely for registration of startup business in india, i need to know how can i go for a startup development? What would be the best way to proceed with the marketing?? How can i move myself successful?

    1. admin

      Hello Rebendranath,
      I wish you to subscribe to our Newsletter series. We have a 30 days guide series where in you will find all the informations you need to know in moving yourself to success. I Hope your ideas will come to reality at the end of 30 days series. If you have any clarifications, i can assist you anytime over live chat/ email.

  11. Richard

    How does a Startup obtain benefits under various Government schemes? I have registered my firm as a startup earlier by 2016 may. Can i do the registration now?

    1. admin

      For availing various benefits (except tax of the Startup India Action Plan), an entity would be required to be recognized as a Startup by applying on Startup India Mobile App/ Portal.In order to obtain tax benefits, a Startup shall be required to be certified as an eligible
      business from the Inter-Ministerial Board of Certification.

      A Startup incorporated between April 1, 2016 and April 1, 2019 shall be eligible to obtain tax benefits proposed under the Finance Bill 2016.

  12. Alvin pault
    Alvin pault

    Im looking out for government support in my startup. What would be the qualification i need to have, with my ecommerce, so i can avail the benefits of a startup under GOI.

    1. admin

      This is an Excert from the GOI. Based on the below requirement, your business of any nature in the point “c” can be registered as a startup.

      An entity (Private Limited Company or Registered Partnership Firm or Limited Liability Partnership) shall be considered a “Startup” –
      a) Upto 5 years from the date of its incorporation/ registration, and
      b) If its turnover for any of the financial years has not exceeded INR 25 crore, and
      c) It is working towards innovation, development, deployment or commercialization of new products, processes or services driven by technology or intellectual property.
      The entity should not have been formed by splitting up or reconstruction of a business already in existence.
      A proprietorship or a public limited company is not eligible as startup. A one-person company, being a private limited company is entitled to be recognized as a ‘startup’.
      For additional information, refer notification G.S.R. 180(E) dated February 17, 2016.

  13. Gerald

    Why i should go for registering my startup. There are certainly mainly rules and regulations that are present in the system of india. But is there ‘any benefits’ i can get if i will register the business as a limited company?

    1. bright

      Hello Gerald, Certainly there are many benefits that you can accrue in registering your startup business in india. Once you are paying taxes, you can get the real benefits in return from the government. You can seek for loans,funds and many more from the government. There are many schemes from the government for startups. You can check with Startup mitra website where you can see the benefits. You can also register for incubator programmes and get closer to Investor communities through the schemes of Government. The government is particular in raising funds to startups and give the solutions for their betterment.

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