Want to build a live streaming platform in just 15 days? Talk with our experts Before getting to know how to make a live streaming platform, we should know exactly what does a live streaming platform mean. A live streaming platform is a site where broadcasters telecast their live videos in real-time by embedding the…
Are you looking to start a Video Streaming application? Click here to get a free consultation Video streaming has been a popular technology in recent period, with the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic, more and more businesses start to seek live streaming solutions to assist their employees working remotely. While more people prefer to use off-the-shelf…
Ready to Start Streaming? Talk to a Streaming Expert Low latency: When it comes to streaming, low latency represents a glass-to-glass lag of five Moments or fewer. The familiar Apple HLS streaming custom defaults about 30 seconds of latency while popular cable and asteroid broadcast observes with about a five-second lag behind the live event.…
Want to know more about low Latency Video streaming, Click here What is Latency? Latency defines the lag between capturing the video and displaying on the viewer’s device. It takes time when a piece of data passes from one place to another place, so latency develops each step of the streaming workflow. The term glass-to-glass…
Planning to virtual Event? Webnexs is here to help! Low latency streaming is the lowered lag or delay between the camera capturing an event, and the observers viewing the event. If you chat live with observers, lower latency is the best to respond to observer’s remarks and questions. You can see, with lower latency, the…
Ready to switch with WebRTC? Get Started here WebRTC – Web Real-Time Communications, has been around for almost a decade. During that time, the open-source project has completed from an emerging technology to a mainstream standard for many streaming applications. The emerging end of Flash and growing demand for influencing streaming experiences set the stage…
Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers two media solutions to cost-effectively bring video-on-demand (VOD) content to global audiences using the AWS Cloud. Both Video on Demand on AWS solution and AWS Foundation solution need to build scalable, distributed VOD processing and delivery workflows. This blog provides guidelines to choose the streaming solution that best fits your…
Planning to start a Live or on- demand video streaming platform? talk to our expert Now “Meeting_Training_Discussion_Conference_Product Launch organized in digital formats – Future Corporate world is here.” Corporates had already started their services using digital mediums for communicating with global people. Internet facilitates are widely used by businesses to sell their products and…
E-learning experienced the growth, especially after the pandemic, which changed the way education is provided worldwide. With the growth of educational video platform, more institutions are knowing the value of these platforms. By 2025, Educational streaming service, will grow as students are looking for flexible and on demand content for courses. Revenue is expected to…