How Pay-per-view concepts are applied in TVOD platforms to publish your media content?

By Nandini Ramachandran | Last Updated on June 3, 2024

PPV in TVOD platforms
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“Purchasing a good and paying price amount in grocery stores narrates pay-per-view concept.”

This concept is applicable in transaction-based video models for selling different kinds of content at different prices. Let’s get a deep introduction to TVOD services.      

Transactional video-on-demand(TVOD) is a model where viewers can buy or rent content on a “pay-per-view” basis. It involves getting content for a specific price, especially for recent releases and live scores. Flexibility to give more offers and discount rates for watching premier content. To understand this better, we can think of Hotstar and Amazon prime videos which facilitate watching movies/ series after a transaction.

It can be used with 2 concepts;                                                                            

Rent: Viewers can rent or own the content for a specific period.

Buy: Viewers can purchase the content and watch it anywhere and anytime.  

TVOD presents a wider choice of content management to viewers by charging a piece amount via digital payments. 

“PAY-PER-VIEW” Concepts:

Pay-per-view(PPV) is a concept that shows the broadcasting of paid television and internet services to viewers after purchasing movies/ live shows/ events etc.. to view in the private telecast. The broadcaster schedules the time of content streamed in their database. Every content has a range of pay values, viewers can watch the content based on their choice. Most online streaming platforms have a higher number of pay-per-views as there is an increase in internet users.  

Related : How the business model of TVOD effectively works on your platform?

Steps to design Pay-per-view websites:

The Pay-per-view concept deals with selling your digital media files to the audience. Making the best pricing and content delivery strategy will influence viewers to purchase repetitively.   

1. Create a Pay-Per-View website in Webnexs with a membership option:

First thing is to create a pay-per-view website in a systematic way that can be accessed by every viewer. This identifies our audience to create their Id and choose their subscription packages. Regarding the payment process, Webnexs has a variety of  E-commerce systems like PayPal and other internet banking transactions offered to our viewers.      

2. Organize membership levels:

Making membership schemes and subscription charges are listed in this stage so that viewers get a clear description of their content and price values. It also shows the duration (weekly, monthly, or yearly) and expiry period of your content purchased.

3. Allocating contents to membership plans:

After choosing particular content and payments are done, content is delivered to viewers in an allocated way based on their subscription. Many categories of content are also available to viewers for later purchases.  

4. Schedule pricing range:

Viewers can purchase multiple membership packages as per their demands. A detailed receipt regarding the packages and pricing plans is displayed on the screens. Content creators also offer popular packages of memberships with small discounted price levels.   

5. Directing new viewers to the price and plans page for accessing your content:

Membership viewers can access content whenever they can free or want to watch.

But viewers who don’t have membership rights will be directed toward the pricing and packages scheme to enroll on the website. Interesting and innovative content will keep a huge audience in your database.  

6. Making your pay-per-view site to a global level:

Delivering valuable and trending content at affordable prices will generate more delighted viewers and generate more revenue for the website. It also advances repeat purchases and distributes content to global people.


Pay-per-view concepts provide tailored fit content & price range for TVOD applications. Individual viewers can get more benefits on a cost-to-content basis and receive particular services. Webnexs solution excelled in utilizing these concepts and delivering high-quality standardized content to their global audiences.

9 Responses

  1. ThomasCor

    Are you an alternative to Vimeo? Host and pay-per-view/on-demand videos so I can put up tutorials? And what will the fees be through your site? Will users be able to use Paypal or Venmo or credit card, etc?

    1. Nandini Ramachandran

      Yes. We are definitely an Alternative for Vimeo. At Vimeo you need to pay monthly subscription and other charges going on to use their solution. But here you will end up in paying One-time fee and you own your application. Kindly fill your requirements in the contact us form, our team will contact you soon.

      Thank you

  2. Aleta

    I am looking for a paywall partner that can handle the distribution, storage, and payment processing for multiple music based series. We are thinking basic “PPV” purchases with different ticket prices based upon content delivery

  3. sherryMatt

    Hi, I’m interested in the implementation of streaming sports events in my project. Please, can you specify the terms of cooperation with you and the price of your services?

    1. Nandini Ramachandran

      Thanks for enquiry. Pricing can depend on your requirement and you can fill your queries in contact us form & our sales team will contact you soon.

  4. michael

    We are an MSP for a number of schools – one of whom would like to host videos on their wordpress website, allowing their subscribing customers to view videos and making them available to others on a pay per view basis

    1. Nandini Ramachandran

      Hello michael, Thanks for contacting us and sharing your queries. Is there any live streaming solution to be incorporated or only on-demand videos for subscription and pay per view as stated above? or you can schedule a demo with our team at :

      Thank you

  5. Anateshia

    Hi, I am looking for TVOD services and wondering about the price breakdown, security and access

    1. Nandini Ramachandran

      Hello Anatesh, thanks for approaching us to for your TVOD services. you can fill your queries with necessary information in this page :
      or else
      you can schedule a demo with our team at :

      Thank you

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