Nodejs vs Expressjs: What are the best known differences?

Let’s compare two of the most popular and extensive web frameworks(Nodejs and Expressjs). In order to choose the right framework for your upcoming projects, dig this blog deeply:



Nodejs is a library that runs JavaScript applications outside the web browser. It powers you when you really want to create a server-side application or network-based application. Its major modules are written in JavaScript. Using the run-environment, developers create cool server applications in real-time.

Nodejs allows JavaScript to execute even in our local machine or a server. Before Nodejs, it was just a dream to build a system that executes JavaScript on both the client-end and the server-end. After the implication of Nodejs, it is now possible to create an application uses the same language on both the server and the client end. 

Nodejs provides many frameworks to use e.g. hapi,,, etc. One of such frameworks is Expressjs, a most powerful than other frameworks of Nodejs.

Read: Top full-stack Nodejs frameworks to use


  • Asynchronous – Nodejs is running on a single thread with event looping, that can handle more requests than ever in the non-blocking way of code execution.
  • High scalability – Event mechanism of Nodejs enables a high scalable property to its application.
  • Cross-functional – It has some cross-functional feature that deployed in both front and backend of a project.
  • Microservices – Microservices is the collection of small services that enables easier updating and changing features of an application.


Expressjs Nodejs

Expressjs is a key Nodejs framework of web application development, which is specifically designed for building single-page, multi-page, and hybrid web applications. It is very flexible in a way that there are many components accessible on NPM (package manager), which are directly persevered into Expressjs.

It offers numerous collection of development tools for both mobile and web applications. Expressjs delivers a rich dynamic interface to create applications to a huge extent.

And the Expressjs is basically a backend part of the MEAN stack. Expressjs framework makes it very easy to develop an application that can handle multiple requests like the GET, PUT, and POST and DELETE requests. 

Read: What is the future of MEAN stack in web app development?


  • Rapid server-side programming – It requires only a few lines of codes to make a function active.
  • Routing – It is an advanced and efficient routing mechanism that enables to handle of multiple dynamic URLs.
  • Templating – Modern templating engine allows having dynamic web content.
  • Middleware – Uses active middleware to add, remove, and modify various features of the application to increase scalability.
  • Debugging – Helps greatly in identifying the source of bugs and to pinpoint the exact part of the application that causes bugs.


Nodejs Expressjs
  1. It is ideal for building enterprises level applications where Expressjs is good for a small and medium-range of projects.
  2. Nodejs is very extensive that it uses the same code on both the server and client end in web application. Whereas Expressjs is a front-end framework used with any backend programming language like PHP.
  3. It is written in a cluster of programming languages like Javascript, C, C++. But Expressjs is created only by using JavaScript.
  4. Nodejs is greatly supported by real-time collaborative applications like Google Docs. Whereas the Expressjs supports real-time communication applications like instant messaging.
  5. Nodejs and Expressjs run on the client browser and on the server-side respectively.
  6. Many frameworks like, sailsjs are based on Nodejs, whereas Expressjs is a web application framework. 
  7. Nodejs is used to build fast and server-based web application whereas Expressjs is best suited for interactive web applications.

Read More: What Is Node Inspector Manager For Nodejs Application?

The following table compares the features, functionalities, nature of Nodejs, and Expressjs:

Building blockChrome’s V8 engineNodejs
InstallationNeed to install Nodejs on a systemIt just requires Expressjs file like other JavaScript files
UsageUsed to build server-side event-driven applicationsUsed to build a web-based application using models and principle of Nodejs
Framework/PlatformIt is a Run-time platform an event-driven environmentIt is a framework of Nodejs
ScopeDevelopers can use Nodejs on both server and client end.It dominates on client-side only
CodebaseJavascriptC, C++, Javascript


Both Nodejs and Expressjs are open source projects and aim to build web applications. Though it processes even more seamlessly using JavaScript language.

At the same time, their architecture and working model are entirely different. Both Nodejs and Expressjs packed with a bundle of rich features to create a variety of applications to the next level.

But still, Nodejs has a proven set of achievements in the web development field than any other developmental platform.

So we suggest you go with Nodejs for your web application development. Contact us to fix a free consultation for web development.


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