Easy Tips For Improving Your Website Loading Time


website speed

Having your own company website is extremely important in the digital age. This is because an online presence is necessary in order to attract customers and make as many sales as possible. Since the attention span of the average internet user is short, you need to make sure your website doesn’t take too much time to load.

Your competitors are all over the web, with enticing websites, social media profiles, and similar goods plus services. You might spend a lot of money setting up your website, but if it takes too long to load, your potential customers might click on elsewhere. Amazon has gained a high amount of revenue by reducing their website load time, while Google rankings are also based partly on this factor.

The perfect website load time, whether on mobile screen or desktops, should be under 3 second. 3 to 5 seconds is more than average, while 5 to 7 seconds is an average amount of time. Anything more than that, and even loyal customers would probably move on to another vendor.

Wondering if your website load time is in the danger zone?

Check out the following tips to help it improve!

Determine The Speed Limit of your website

website speed

There are several case studies which show us how a fast site would only benefit its company. Of course, one can always be a bit faster, with Amazon trying to improve its speed at about 100 milliseconds a time. So how do you even start determining the amount for speeding up?

The first step is to check the performance of your website online. There are several websites for this (check Pingdom). You should then compare this speed to that of your main competitors. If at all possible, try to become the fastest website of the lot. If that’s not feasible for some reason, start working towards the goal of reaching your fastest competitor’s pace.

Make Use Of Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN works to host your media files, which considerably speeds up site loading. It could also save on around two-thirds of bandwidth and slash the number of requests from your website in half. The working here is due to the files getting spread across several servers around the globe.

For instance, a user in another country would download your files from the server that’s closest to them. This way, their experience will be better and the load on your website will considerably be reduced.

Use WP Engines

Those who’ve used WP engines claim that it has made their sites run much faster. Not only this, their workflow and security have also improved. This has saved them from many headaches and frustrations that could otherwise bring a company’s morale down.

You may not like the idea of changing web hosts, especially as it takes up a lot of time. However, the impact of this change could be much more effective than several other tweaks. We recommend that you make this change first and then look at other solutions if you’re still having page speed problems.

Install A Caching Plug-in

In case you’re already using the best web hosting engine or are satisfied with its performance, see if installing WP Total Cache or Super Cache would help.

These two plugins are free for download and give a decent performance. They actually do more than just caching browsers. The act of caching will help websites and pages load faster, as most of the content will already be within reach.

Focus On Database Cleaning

If you’re using WordPress, there are several loading issues that might surface from time to time. One of the more major problems is the fact that your database can become quite cluttered and messy. This is due to all those post revisions, saved drafts, deactivated plugins, and much more. When this gets too much, your website could become slow and clunky, hence driving away users rather than attracting them.

With so much extra stuff weighing your site down, even the most engaging content might not be enough to keep your users interested. If you’ve been running the website for several years and have posted even a few days a week, all those drafts and posts could really pile up. You can’t simply delete them all, as there could be important stuff you can’t afford to lose.

One solution here is the WP-Optimize. This is an incredible plug-in that would delete anything you don’t need on a routine basis. After this act, it will take much less time for any browser to select the files and return them as required.

Wrapping Up

Enhancing your website loading time and page speed will make your customers happy and also get them shopping, which is what you want! Everyone wants a smooth experience in whatever they do, and website visits are near the top. With so much at our fingertips, no company wants to be left behind in the online business. So work on your website load speed, and start raking in the profits!

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One response to “Easy Tips For Improving Your Website Loading Time”

  1. Romas Avatar

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