5 Tips on Implementing Video Content to Your Marketing Strategy

5 Tips on Implementing Video Content to Your Marketing Strategy

In this digital age, it takes more effort to keep your customers engaged. They are immediately bombarded with content as soon as they connect to the internet. You must make sure that your marketing strategies stand out from the rest if you want consumers to notice your brand. And most importantly, it needs to be accessible. Consider implementing some of the best video marketing ideas into your campaigns to attract more customers to your brand. 

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Why use videos for your marketing strategy?

According to Statista, there are over 3 billion digital video viewers all over the world. Video content is taking over the internet. You can see this in the integration of video content in various platforms including social media websites and mobile apps. 

There are many benefits of video marketing. For one, it catches your target audience’s attention and helps retain them. Viewers also tend to engage more with video content compared to other forms of media since it stimulates two senses at once—the sense of sight and hearing. As a result, people pay more attention to videos than blog posts and graphics.

Video content also gives you more room to tell your brand’s story and push your creativity to the limits. It blends aspects of wordsmithing, photography, and even graphic designing in just one output. This allows you to create the most unique and interesting content for your brand.

Moreover, creating and sharing video content is more accessible. You can easily embed video content in your website. And thanks to social media, you can show off your video creation to the world in just a few clicks. 

But just like any new venture in your business, you must first determine how best to implement video content into your marketing strategy. With that, here are some tips on how you can leverage video content for your brand.

How to implement video content?

  1. Personalize video content

Consistent branding is key to any marketing campaign. So if you are planning to incorporate video content into your campaigns, it must be consistent with your brand. This includes the color schemes, font style, logos, and even music that you will use for your videos. All these elements must stay true to your business’ identity and personality. 

Don’t just settle for generic and formulaic trends that you will find on the internet. Create video content that will set you apart from your competitors and make your brand easily recognizable. By basing your video content on your branding, you can come up with unique and original videos. Just make sure to protect your creation by checking out this guide for video copyright.

Personalization can also come in the form of determining what type of video content works best for your target audience. With today’s technology, you can integrate data-driven strategies in creating video content. This allows you to identify common patterns, preferences, and trends among your target audience. You can then use this information to provide video content that appeals to your viewers.

  1. Optimize videos for mobile devices

The number of smartphone users worldwide finally reached 6.4 billion in 2021. And these figures will continue to increase in the coming years as smartphones become more sophisticated and advanced. Through smartphones, people can have instant access to the internet right in the palm of their hands. 

Because of this, the majority of users prefer their smartphones over desktops and laptops when surfing the internet and checking out their social media feeds. Hence, businesses are optimizing their digital marketing campaigns for smaller screens. 

Smartphones, tablets, laptops, Smart TVs, and desktops have varying screen sizes and resolutions. It is possible that your video is playable on one device but barely loads upon another. So when creating videos, make sure that it is optimized for any device. Otherwise, you can lose potential viewers for your video content.

In some video marketing examples, you will notice that some are vertical instead of horizontal. These vertical videos play better on smartphone devices since it doesn’t force the viewers to flip their phone just to watch the content on full screen. Other content creators also compress their video size so that their videos would easily load on smaller screens and prevent their mobile website or app from crashing.

  1. Connect to social media

Almost all social media platforms allow you to post videos on your feed. In just a few clicks, you can upload your videos and show them to the world. More than that, anyone can easily share your video content using their own account which can make your videos spread like wildfire to other people’s social media feeds. This makes social media the perfect place to promote your video content.

Take advantage of this benefit by connecting your video marketing content to social media. Post your videos on your own social media page and allow your followers or subscribers to interact with it through comments, likes, tagging, and shareable links. You can also check out some other tips to increase your video reach on social media.

  1. Adopt a video SEO strategy

SEO is not just for blog sites. Your video content also needs SEO so that it will come up in your audience’s searches on the internet. 

For example, Google now offers video results based on keywords, tags, titles, and other SEO-related factors.

Video SEO strategy is basically the same as your usual SEO strategy. Hence, you can simply apply the same techniques you use in your current SEO strategy. Some of the video marketing strategy examples include:

  • Creating catchy titles
  • Using relevant keywords in your video description
  • Adding proper tags
  • Providing eye-catching thumbnails for your videos
  • Embedding your video links to other related content

Leveraging SEO for your video content helps you pull in more viewers organically.

  1. Leverage data and analytics

Coming up with video content ideas can be tough. Instead of starting from scratch, you can use data to guide your decisions on what type of content to make. It gives you a better understanding of your target audience by determining their needs and demands. This allows you to develop content that will fit their preferences.

Data and analytics can also show you what types of video marketing content works and what doesn’t. Most importantly, it helps you find out what video content makes people buy your products and boost your conversion rates.

Choosing the right software

Video content is slowly taking over the internet. Almost all channels on the internet now support video streaming or embedding. Moreover, there are various software solutions that can help you implement video content into your marketing strategy. 

Plus, there are many benefits to adding video content to your marketing campaigns. It allows your audience to interact and engage more with your brand. Likewise, it provides you with more room to create unique marketing content. But just like any other marketing project, organizational silos can hamper its success. So instead of investing in video marketing software, you should also consider investing in ERP software for your marketing software.

Enterprise resource planning or ERP includes a suite of applications that bridge the gaps in communication between the different departments of your organization. You can use ERP to ensure that your marketing, sales, finance, and more can work seamlessly with each other to succeed with your marketing campaigns.

So when choosing the right software, don’t just focus on software that will help you create video content. Also consider software that will streamline your overall marketing and sales processes. 


4 responses to “5 Tips on Implementing Video Content to Your Marketing Strategy”

  1. Ranbir

    This is an excellent idea! Excellent work!

  2. Anandita

    Nice idea!

  3. Bakul

    Keep up the incredible work!

  4. Gulshan

    Wow, this is some of your best work yet!

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