10 Video Marketing Trends For 2022 And Beyond

10 Video Marketing Trends

It’s hard to miss the power of video content in today’s digital revolution. As internet services improve and platforms grow, video continues to be one of the most popular forms of online content. People watch more videos online today, and it seems that trend won’t be slowing down soon.

Accordingly, it makes sense that 86% of businesses today use video in their marketing efforts. But with all the video content available online, how does a business continue to leverage video strategies? What does it take to stand out in a vast ocean of options? Thousands of videos get uploaded to platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok everyday. So the key isn’t just to create videos but to use them effectively to maximize marketing efforts.


To do that, you need to know the top video marketing trends in 2022 and create strategies to leverage them. Let’s look at the top marketing trends that business owners, marketers, and content creators should watch out for this year and beyond. 

10 Video Marketing Trends

1. Video Still Leading the Consumption War

Video isn’t slowing down in consumption. Today’s digital video consumption trends show that video content is still one of the top viewed pieces of virtual content today. Over 78% of people say that they watch videos online every week — and that number has only been growing with time. 

While it’s true that other content forms like audio content (like podcasts) are slowly rising in popularity, they’re nowhere close to the power of video yet. Audio platforms like Spotify have now started to roll out video podcasts. That said, brands and businesses should not slow down in their video creation efforts. If anything, we should start ramping up content efforts more and more.

2. Live Video no Longer a Fringe

One of the most popular forms of video content now is live-streamed videos. This is a growing trend across the board, but more so in the gaming and music scene. As Facebook has ramped up its efforts to support e-sports with its gaming platform, more game streamers come out every year. 

In January 2022 alone, esports fans watched over 295 million hours of Facebook gaming streams.

Live videos will continue to be one of the top video trends for 2022 still, not just for gaming enthusiasts but across the board. People in the education and coaching sphere continue to turn to live-streamed training content and webinars as a source of traffic. Some of the top platforms to go live today are Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

3. AI in video

There has now been a rising usage of artificial intelligence to create and manage videos. While still in its early stages, AI for video has been on the rise. It’s also nothing new. The algorithms used in advertising a business with video content have been a major practice over the years. And these targeting techniques are still improving over the years. On the video production side, there has also been some noticeable improvement as services that allow people to create video content with nothing more than a script have come out in the past few years. 

4. The rise of video in LinkedIn

One of the more interesting video stats for 2022 has been firm development in the previously text-dominated platform LinkedIn. Up to 68% of marketers plan to use video for LinkedIn marketing. As more marketers now start using video content for B2B and corporate purposes, we will only see more developments in the B2B marketing sector. B2B marketers should start looking into how to leverage video content to drive awareness, engagement, and brand preference through video.  

5. Video as a Sales Driver

At the core of marketing strategies have always been a desire to convert, especially sales conversions. Video is an effective way to convert viewers into buyers. Influence from YouTube is still growing in popularity and still turns in a major amount in sales. 

Businesses have also been trying to creatively add video into their ecommerce platforms. The key has been integrating video content into platforms like ecommerce software without compromising website performance or user experience. Nowadays, one of the best applications of video in sales is using them in sales pages to engage leads better.  

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6. Driving the Creator Economy for Video

TikTok and Instagram Reels were some of the biggest social media headlines in the past several months. More and more people continue to create video content on these channels and get stellar results from it. The short form content revolution for video marketing has empowered a whole array of creators to proliferate messages and brands. Brands, artists, and musicians have been trying to find ways to get people to remix videos with their messaging to spark some level of virality. The best example of this has been using background music in IG reels and TikTok videos— which has helped increase music streams and plays for several artists today.

7. Creating Video Content for Mobile

Mobile continues to be a strong driver of digital content consumption. It’s no secret that a large chunk of today’s internet population consumes content through their mobile phones. Accordingly, portrait orientation is slowly becoming a more widely accepted form of content distribution. While videos in landscape form are still present, there should be more effort now from marketers and brand developers to create content in multiple dimensions and formats. This also puts pressure on video creators to ensure better mobile experiences, such as ensuring text size works for mobile phones as well. 

8. Monetizing through Video on Demand

Another rising trend in video marketing has been the tactics people use for video on demand services. Companies like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and Amazon Prime have completely revolutionized film and movies. But the way that these companies market their content has been some of the biggest ground shakers in the content world. 

At one point, Netflix used interactive video ads on Snapchat to create AR experiences that would allow people to explore Joyce Byers’ house. It also created a Facebook page for its comedy and stand-up specials and went on a strong marketing campaign run on the social media platform by creating a drove of snippets that gave people a taste of their comedy specials.

9. SEO in YouTube

Search engine optimization is no longer just a blogger’s game. Google has been ramping up algorithms and bot crawling efforts on YouTube videos as well. Organic search has become a powerful video traffic driver for YouTube content creators and brands. Accordingly, people who want to promote their videos and brands on YouTube should start implementing SEO strategies to their captions, tags, and headlines. It’s also only a matter of time until Facebook, TikTok and Instagram follow suit. 

10. Using Video to Increase CLV

On the other side of the marketing journeys, brands are also starting to realize the power of video in extending CLV or customer lifetime value. Up to 20% of companies will also use video in their customer support efforts as a way to delight existing customers and turn them into patrons. For instance, brands like Zoom, HubSpot and AHrefs have created free courses and wikis as a way to support their customers and give them a reason to stay with the company over the long term. 

Video and Branding

Using video to strengthen a brand story is not a new strategy, but it’s still one of the most effective ones. Accordingly, any brand that wants to stand out in 2022 should still invest heavily in video marketing over the next several months. Video is here to stay for the long term, and your company would benefit greatly by ramping up efforts to leverage it.


2 responses to “10 Video Marketing Trends For 2022 And Beyond”

  1. Brahma

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Harsha

    This is some of your best work to date!

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