Google Core Update 2020: Things to know now

By Haribabu | Last Updated on March 12, 2024

As we all know that Google makes some significant changes(i.e) Google Core update 2020 in the way it sorts and delivers its search results. Now they are back again with a rare kind of update that literally can put site traffics of many giants of various industries upside down. No, we’re not exaggerating anything right here, we’re just delivering what they’ve said, Seriously. Danny Sullivan, Google’s official voice for search-related topics, announced on Twitter recently: Google's announcement

What categories were impacted by this update?

As with other recent core updates, it appears that the May 2020 Google core algorithm update disproportionately affected YMYL (your money, your life) websites, which can directly impact users’ health, happiness, safety, well-being, or financial security.

Some examples of categories with significant changes in organic visibility:

  • News
  • Nutrition and recipes
  • Fitness
  • Drugs, alcohol, and rehab
  • Science and medical news
  • Banking and finance
  • Music
  • Natural medicine
  • History and Arts & entertainment
Websites of some important sectors of this society like Offline entertainment, health, family, beauty, finance, internet, vehicles, and law & government had to face the huge constant changes since the Google core update announcement. And to pick the one which likely has broad flux is the Art & entertainment sector’s websites. Some research also says that the websites that are affected by the previous update may be more affected by the subsequent updates. With this, we can conclude that the  Art & Entertainment websites being the most-affected category, as we said before. And the same sector had a big hit in the Google Medic update of 2018.

Who wins and loses in this Core update race?

Keep in mind that this Core update is designed in such a way to provide their users with useful and engaging content. And also it brings significant changes within search results across all countries and languages, but remember there were winners and losers in the SERPs.


Google core winners As we all know, the News sector bags many rewards when it comes to proving content to the people. So it is none other than, the biggest winner in the News sector.


Google core As we said before, the Offline Entertainment industry has taken a big drop, sadly with this update. It also takes its related websites into that dip.

Google Core Update 2020: WHAT’S NEXT?

Some may sit back and relax as they don’t fall into any of the above-mentioned sectors. But you can be cool until the update starts affecting your site’s organic traffic. This update is to change your Blog Condition. Sometimes Your Blog grows after a core update and sometimes your blog loses traffic. Recently, Google Core Update was released on 5 May 2020. Many bloggers lost their blog rankings. Below I give some tips for Grow your website traffic after Google Core Update release. Don’t worry we’ll back you up with our SEO expert team, as we do it anyway. To make sure you get the latest updates from us, sign up for SEO related services.  So we would always like to contribute useful content on the relevant topics in this hectic situation that prevails today. Go through SEO tips to turn your site’s contents healthy again, that actually could help you to put you back into your place.

Google Core Update 2020 Tips:

Google core update 2020

Focus on Content

Google’s first priority is quality content. If your content is Good then your blog rank grows. Don’t copy content from another blog. Write your own content and make your own images. 

Short Paragraph

Many bloggers write long paragraphs. Though it looks good it is not the right to practice. Try to write a small paragraph(1-3 lines). 

Relevant Articles

Write only your relevant article. So if your blog is about Software-Technology and you write about Art & entertainment then your article ranking is down. Write only your Niche Relevant Articles.

Social Sharing

Social Sharing is one of the major factors in Google Core Update 2020. If your article is shared on Social Media and you get organic reach on your post then your ranking is growing after Google Core Update 2020. 

Quality Backlink

1 Quality Backlink pushes your ranking and grows your traffic. And Also try on Niche Base Backlink. 1 Relevant Backlink = 1000 Other Backlink 


One of the big updates is Local Result. If you write in your targeted country’s local language than your blog is a rank push. After Google Core Update 2020 Google Promote more blogs on Local Language. (Ex. – If you have a NEWS website and you write News in the Hindi Language then your blog ranking push in Hindi Zone). I hope these tips will help you to grow your website traffic also it will clear your understanding of the new May Google Core Update 2020.


There is no doubt this was a big update – I hope you all did well with this update. Also, have a look out for our blogs for more engaging content. We do provide neat eCommerce developmental solutions, contact us for a free consultation.

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