MEAN Stack Vs LAMP Stack: Which Is The Right Stack For Your Project?

By Padma Priya | Last Updated on July 21, 2024

MEAN Stack Vs LAMP Stack: Which Is The Right Stack For Your Project

Both the MEAN stack vs Lamp stack plays a predominant role in web development. Many organizations around the world are in demand to develop enterprises level applications. All those applications serve consistent performance, scalable, and efficiency. As each making it harder for developers to choose. LAMP vs MEAN are two prominent development stacks for web development.

And even though they use several other technologies for backend, server, and databases. There has been a lot of confusion in choosing between these mean vs lamp stacks. In this article, let’s go deep about both the web stacks and differentiate them.

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What Does MEAN Stack Stand For?

MEAN stack is an open-source and free of cost stack which helps in quick creation of web-based applications. It is one of the most adopted stacks in recent times. The ultimate thing about the MEAN stack is that it uses the same language(i.e. The Javascript) at every step of the application development process.

What Does MEAN Stack Stand For?

MEAN stands for MongoDB, Expressjs, Angularjs, and Nodejs.

  • MongoDB – Database
  • Expressjs – Server-side application framework
  • Angularjs – Client-side application framework
  • Nodejs – Server-side run time environment

As of many developers, this stack is the one technology that fulfills all the requirements for efficient development in the best possible way. The database stores data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Many big companies namely Google, Uber, and Netflix use Mean Stack i.e. all those companies which use a NoSQL database like MongoDB.

Read More: What is the future of MEAN stack in web app development?

What Does LAMP Stack Stand For?

Lamp full stack is one of the powerful open-source web server stacks. It is a web development framework helps you to build an extensive and secure application. When it comes to a big package of web application development, the LAMP full stack is a good choice to choose from. Besides, it provides excellent support to dynamic database-driven websites. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.

What Does LAMP Stack Stand For?
  • Linux – Operating system
  • Apache – Webserver
  • MySQL – Data storage
  • PHP – Scripting language

It provides an excellent solution that supports customization, flexibility, and also cost-effective and has numerous libraries and tools that support developers to create web applications much easier.

MEAN Stack Vs LAMP Stack – Differences

MEAN Stack Vs LAMP Stack - Differences

1. Operating System

Unlike LAMP, MEAN stack allows developers to utilize web applications on any OS that actually supports Nodejs. 

LAMP stack allows developers to utilize web applications on Linux OS only.

2. Programming Language

In MEAN stack, the components are not interchangeable. But still, it helps developers in faster coding by using JavaScript on both the client and server-side.

LAMP allows developers to code mostly in PHP as it provides better support of PHP than other programming languages. It also enables developers to choose other languages like Python or Perl as the components in their web stack.

3. Web Server

MEAN stack deploys a Nodejs powered web server. These web servers are lightweight and provide non-blocking and event-based web server.

While LAMP has Apache Web Server as its component, which is more mature and robust than another web server.

4. Security And Reliability

MEAN stacks generally run faster when compared to other web technology and it provides more security layers to avoid data exposure in an application.

LAMP stacks come with the most secure and reliable architecture.

5. Ease Of Access

MEAN stack offers a stabilized way to build your website and supports developers with some intensive functionalities to run your server.

Lamp stack allows interaction between end-users and source. Utilization of PHP and MySQL will ease the coding even simple. 

Read More: What is the Nodejs web server and how to build it? 

MEAN Vs LAMP Stack: A Comparison Table

The following comparison table provides with a summary of the above discussion:

Comparison elementsMEAN stack LAMP stack
Operating systemCross-platform.Linux OS only.
DatabaseMongoDB, a non-relational database.MySQL, a relational database.
Mainstream supportersIBM, Samsung, GoogleOracle foundation and Linux foundation
TechnologyMongoDB, Expressjs, Angularjs, NodejsLinux. Apache, MySQL, PHP
StructureA neat non-blocking structureA complex blocking structure

Read More: What is MERN stack and why is it best fit for web development?

Why Choose MEAN Over LAMP Full Stack?

Why Choose MEAN Over LAMP Full Stack?

 Choosing MEAN stack over LAMP stack comes with you the following advantages:

  • Enhanced speed for data retrieval
  • Flexibility in deployment
  • One language for all stage of development
  • Dynamic user-interface with an attractive look.
  • JavaScript code can be used on both the server-side and the client-side.

Read More: Basics of full-stack development: A tool for creating complex application

LAMP Vs MEAN Conclusion

You need to consider the most important factor that the LAMP stack is more convenient to use. But MEAN is a full-stack JavaScript is now winning the battle. And becomes the top priority of web development companies to jump into the next level of web development.

So, make sure that you consider the user behavior before choosing to develop a web application with Mean stack.

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MEAN Stack Vs LAMP Stack FAQs

1. What is the LAMP stack?

The LAMP stack comprises Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python. It’s a popular open-source software bundle used for web development, providing a robust foundation for building dynamic websites and web applications.

2. What is the MEAN stack used for?

The MEAN stack consists of MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS (or Angular), and Node.js. It’s primarily used for developing full-stack JavaScript applications, offering a seamless integration between the client-side and server-side components.

3. Is MEAN stack still in demand?

Yes, the MEAN stack continues to be in demand due to its versatility, scalability, and efficiency in building modern web applications. Its JavaScript-based technology stack is favored by developers for its flexibility and ease of use.

4. Is MEAN stack good for beginners?

Yes, the MEAN stack can be a suitable choice for beginners due to its simplicity and unified JavaScript ecosystem. With comprehensive documentation and a supportive community, beginners can quickly grasp the fundamentals and start building applications.

5. What is the difference between LAMP and MEAN?

The main difference lies in the technology stack. LAMP uses traditional components like Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP/Perl/Python, while MEAN utilizes modern JavaScript-based technologies such as MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS/Angular, and Node.js.

6. Is LAMP stack outdated?

While the LAMP full stack remains a viable option for web development, it’s considered somewhat outdated compared to the MEAN stack’s modern architecture. However, LAMP still powers numerous websites and applications and continues to be maintained and used by developers worldwide.

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