Nodejs and its Concepts in Web Development


Have you heard about Nodejs and its concepts? Nodejs is an open-source server-side runtime environment built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It provides an event-driven, non-blocking input/output system and cross-platform runtime environment for building a highly reliable and scalable server-side application using JavaScript.

Nodejs is so powerful that supports building a wide range of applications such as live-streaming application, REST APIs, server-based web application, a real-time communication application, etc. However, Nodejs comprises numerous concepts that help in building multi-user network applications, web servers, similar to PHP, and ASP.NET. 

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One should be aware of various concepts of Nodejs before going deeply into the development process:

Nodejs and its robust concepts

Nodejs and its concepts

Non-blocking I/O

Non-blocking is one of the important Concepts of Nodejs. One of the main operations of Nodejs is to handle browser requests as it is a server-side framework. In conventional input/output systems, the server blocks other or concurrent requests until the response (the HTML page) of the previous request has arrived.

This server-blocking issue is called blocking I/O. In order to process the current request, the browser has to wait in a rotating circle manner.

Unlike the traditional model, Nodejs doesn’t follow such kind of principle in the Input/output system. If a request seems to take a longer time to load, Nodejs sends that particular request in an event loop. Such a request goes ahead to handle the next request in the call stack. As soon as the processing of pending requests is done, Nodejs interferes with getting the response on the browser.

Read: 5 ways to make HTTP requests in Nodejs 


JavaScript is a prototype-based language, which means that each object has a prototype chain. Prototypes are the sophisticated concepts of Nodejs(JavaScript). Every JavaScript object is merging to a prototype object from which it can inherit properties. In general, JavaScript has a predefined Object prototype linked with objects. Creating an object in JavaScript and then augment the own objects from it. This is called prototypical inheritance and is implemented via the prototype.

The best feature of this particular system is that many objects can share the same methods on a prototype object. Each of which conserves memory and enables easy code reuse. And each prototype is a delegate object, which means that the property lookup which contains its own prototype.

Before commencing a new object, one must select an object that should be of its own prototype.

Read More: What are the basic primitives of Nodejs?


Modules are plain JavaScript files that contain a bundle of codes for a specific purpose. The module pattern helps your code to navigate and work more easily. To use such properties of a module, you have to require it from JavaScript file the same as importing a package in a Java class.

There are two types of modules in Nodejs concepts.

Core Modules 

These are the modules that are pre-compiled with the Nodejs library. The main purpose of these core modules is to enable developers too often repeat code sections without this module, it results in a tough task for developers because they have to write the same code then. Some common core modules are HTTP, EVENTS, URL, FILE SYSTEM, etc.

User-Defined Modules concepts

In user-defined modules, the developer makes for a specific purpose in its application. These modules act when the core modules don’t meet the required functionality. Modules are extracted through the require function the argument possesses the same name as that module in the core module. However, in the user-defined module, the argument is the path of that module in the file system.

Read: Nodejs – Packages and Modules: How to use it


Callbacks are the large functional programming paradigm and prime among the Nodejs concepts. These functions in JavaScript pass as arguments to other functions. Also, these can be executed or returned from that function to be executed later.

When a callback function is passed as an argument to another function, only the function definition is passed. So, the timing of the callback function execution entirely depends on the calling function’s mechanism. This is the sole basis of the asynchronous or non-blocking behavior of the Nodejs framework.  

Read: What is callback function in Nodejs? 

To read more, stay tuned to our blog page, where we pull several articles on Nodejs.

Have a good day!!!

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