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Node.js - Headless eCommerce, Video On demand Platform & OTT

Tag: Node.js

  • Top 5 reasons: Why Nodejs is popular among other frameworks?

    Everyone keeps asking “Why Nodejs is popular among other frameworks and the reasons?”. Let’s get clear up all those queries in this blog below: Nodejs is so popular just because it is a server-side scalable, robust, and fast technology with which we can develop a variety of web applications in a run-time environment that can…

  • How does the Nodejs platform work?

    Nodejs platform actually works in a stunning way of building extensive web applications. Nodejs is a popular platform for building backend systems like network applications with great scaling features. It is a JavaScript run-time environment, which means it runs the JavaScript codes. JavaScript is a long-standing programming language in web pages and run by any…

  • What are the uses of Nodejs and Angularjs frameworks?

    Let’s discuss the various uses of Nodejs and AngularJS frameworks in the web development process, What is Nodejs? Nodejs is an open-source platform built on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It is used to run JavaScript code externally to the browser during the run-time environment of the application. It has the ability to run on various…

  • Understanding the event emitter in the Nodejs

     Event Emitter is a module that enables proper transmission between objects in Nodejs. Most of the modules built on Nodejs use this Event emitter.  Nodejs core API is based on the asynchronous event-driven architecture in that a specific kind of object called Event emitter. Secondly which emits events periodically that causes listener objects to be…

  • What is the future of MEAN stack in web app development?

    Predicting the future of the MEAN stack in web development isn’t easy even for the experts on that side. As it depends on multiple variables like a business requirement, time to market, development cost, coding feasibility and so on. Currently, the implementation and usage of web app development are increasing drastically. A highly competent architecture…

  • Nodejs and Reactjs: The feature-based differences

    Both Nodejs and Reactjs are JavaScript technologies, yet both are entirely different from each other. JavaScript is one of the most popular languages among developers in recent years. The only point out the difference between Nodejs and Reactjs is, Nodejs is a back-end framework whereas Reactjs is for developing user-interfaces(UI).  There are a lot of…

  • Top 10 Useful Nodejs Packages For Web Development in 2022

    Nodejs packages help in the web development to a large extent, let’s have a clear picture of the top 10 most useful Nodejs packages for web development in this blog. We build ecommerce native app and website with Node that scale your business!!! Nodejs is a pioneer in the asynchronous run-time environmental framework market. The…

  • 7 types of web applications that can be build with Nodejs

    7 types of web applications that can be build with Nodejs

    We all will have the same question in common that, What are the types of web applications build on Nodejs? Here in this blog, we tried to list out them for you. Considering Nodejs for building a variety of web applications. Since it is an open-sourced cross-platform, especially a run-time environment that executes JavaScript codes…

  • Top 5 reasons to choose Nodejs for web applications

    Top 5 reasons to choose Nodejs for web applications

    Let’s deeply discuss the top 5 reasons to choose Nodejs for web application in this blog. Many smaller ventures and startups follow their lead and leverage the technology in building web applications. So choosing a web application development platform that fits your business requirements is a challenging task for any startups. Developers need to consider…

  • PHP Vs Nodejs: Which is better environment for Web Development

    PHP Vs Nodejs: Which is better environment for Web Development

    PHP vs Nodejs which is better for web development?? Before that one needs to understand the ability of Nodejs and PHP in application development for better clarity on the comparison. Both the Nodejs and PHP are one of the most popular environments for web development solutions but Node JS is good in comparison to PHP.…